my work

I have been working in the software industry since 2016, starting my career as a front-end developer using AngularJS and jQuery. Currently, I have extensive experience with Angular 2+ and React. I have also had the opportunity to work with NestJS as a full Stack developer and NextJS for side projects.


Lead Frontend Engineer

As a team member I’m popularize trunk based development across all products. We made a huge shift to monorepo and maximise the engineering effort, make codebase reusable across all products. We are trying to adopt DDD (Domain driven design) and organise our codebase aligned with tactical design patterns on our side and with strategic design on team side as well.

My main project is Pixellu Galleries.

We are building an applications which helps photographers save their time and produce hight quality galleries for their clients. The project is a monorepo with 8 applications. They are sharing common code base and design system. The main functionality is an ability to create beautiful galleries with a few clicks. There is an Editor which allows to upload a lot of images, set up specific font, styles on gallery and publish. We also made additional functionality for photographers to help to interact with customers, collect analytics etc.

Tech Stack: Angular 16+, Apollo GQL, NgRx, RxJS, REST, Jest

Second project which I committed a lot and made it to production is SmartSlides. When I joined the compony, this product was in a year of migration from AngularJS to Angular2+. I fought with billion bugs and helped to bring it on production.

Tech Stack: Angular 16+, Apollo GQL, NgRx, RxJS, REST, Jest

Third project is about of integration all company applications in one. We are building the application which will work under native desktop application.

Tech Stack: Angular 16+, Apollo GQL, RxJS, REST, Qt, Jest


Lead Frontend Developer, 2019 - 2021

I took a part in several big projects of company.

The first one is the crypto payment provider B2Binpay. I have developed the personal office and payment page for merchants and enterprise clients. It's like a private banking application. There are wallets, accounts, deposits, transfers. So, it needs to work with big numbers and float numbers. It has a responsive design and every page can work on any devices.

Tech Stack: Angular (last version), Angular Material, SCSS, Karma + Jasmine

The second project is Trader room B2Core. It has the same functional, but there is more difficult ui. Also, I take a part in creating a trader terminal with widgets and drug&drop functional. It's a highroad part of system which work with web sockets.

Tech Stack: Angular (last version), Angular Material, SCSS, Karma + Jasmine, workers, web sockets.

The third project is the Admin panel. It's multifunctional platform which includes a lot of products. Every build can include some parts of functional and can have a different camouflage. I use design patterns and try to create scalable service and products. Every part of application is lazy, dynamic templates/components/modules/forms is a usual part of work.

Tech Stack: Angular (last version), Angular Material, SCSS, Karma + Jasmine, workers, web sockets,

The fourth project is our internal analog of Weblate. It's a server side application, works on NestJS framework. It needs to manage a lot of translations for our projects and products.

Tech Stack: NestJS, MySQL, TypeORM, NodeJS


Senior Frontend Developer, 2017 — 2019

Supporting and developing single-page application for web services in Platform Deportment MTS.

Tech Stack: AngularJS, NodeJS